The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) is well-known to all Finnish companies as the trade register. Additionally, the PRH investigates and grants key intellectual property rights (IPR), including patents, utility models, trademarks, and design protection in Finland.
We will be participating in the Tahko Ski Lift Pitch, highlighting our work on IPR, with the mission of reminding startups to protect their intangible assets and intellectual property. Additionally, we hope to meet potential partners from organizations serving the business community, with whom we can collaborate to raise wareness of IPR among companies.
Increased financing opportunities with IPR
Design protection and trademarks have recently sparked a national debate in the cases of Iittala’s new coffee cups and Finland’s Eurovision entrant Windows95man. This discussion has revealed that many people are unfamiliar with the various forms of intellectual property protection, indicating a need for more information.
In the hectic everyday life of a startup, the protection of intangible assets by registrations can easily be overlooked in favour of other priorities. However, it is crucial to recognize that this oversight can significantly impact the company’s financing opportunities.
Especially in terms of protecting a technology or design, patent and design right applications must be made before anything is publicized, or in the case of design, within 12 months of publication (known as the grace period).
The European Union’s industrial rights office (EUIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) published a joint report at the end of autumn, revealing that companies with IPR are up to ten times more likely to receive funding.
The study can be found here: EUIPO – EPO study: Trade marks and patents boost startups‘ ability to secure funding – EUIPO (
In the worst-case scenario, neglected protection can become a significant obstacle or even completely prevent the company from scaling its business. Moreover, protection also provides security for financiers.
SME Fund – help to get started
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have the opportunity to receive financial support to protect their intangible assets and develop their management through the SME Fund grant program.
PRH – Tietoa PRH:sta – SME Fund
The SME Fund is a relatively new financial instrument. As such, we aim to raise awareness of its availability.
This grant is provided by the EUIPO. It offers support for registrations and the IPR pre-diagnostic service (IP Scan), allowing companies to assess their situation with an authorized expert.
PRH – Tietoa PRH:sta – IPR-esianalyysipalvelu (IP Scan)
Second event in Kuopio: Intangible Competitiveness Factors of Growth, 24 April
The PRH will also attend the Intangible Competitiveness Factors of Growth event organized with the Kuopio Chamber of Commerce on 24 April. This event aims to enhance companies’ understanding and expertise in protecting and defending knowledge and know-how within their organizations. Here is a link to the event: Kasvuyrityksen aineettomat kilpailukykytekijät – Strateginen markkinointi ja IP-oikeudet 24.4.2024 Kuopio – KauppakamariKauppa
IP Stories – Aineettomia tarinoita
The PRH also recently launched a video campaign called IP Stories / Aineettomia tarinoita targeting SMEs. In the videos, different types of companies talk about why protecting intangible rights is important for their business.
The first phase of the video campaign focused on companies in the design field. In the spring, we will produce more videos featuring companies operating in the digital realm, such as those in the gaming, VR, and AR industries. We aim to emphasize the various ways digitally created and existing creations could and should be protected.
You can watch the videos here: Etusivu – PRH Aineettomia tarinoita
We will also be showcasing them at the Tahko Ski Lift Pitch.